Make your stay more enjoyable and less hectic with fine kosher food from the Amazon’s Premier Kosher food service. We provide our kosher food service to any hotel in Manaus.
Under the strict supervision of Beit Chabad Manaus
• We offer Glatt Kosher meat and chicken, as well as fresh fish on our menu.
• Our dairy products are all Chalav Yisrael.
• All the breads are Pat Israel, and all food is Bishul Israel
• We have online ordering, so you can arrive to the Amazon stress free, knowing that all your meals are taken care of.
Click here to view menu and order online
Basic Kosher Foods can be found at the Beit Chabad Store including:
Chicken, Meat, Cheese, Chalav Israel Milk, Wine, Grape Juice, etc.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday | 9:00 am - 1:00 pm |
Enjoy an elegant Shabbat dinner in a unique and intimate setting, with other people from the Amazon. Dine on traditional Shabbat delicacies, with Brazilian flavors woven throughout the menu. Sing beautiful Shabbat melodies that will warm your Jewish heart… and save room for a L’chaim or two! For a memorable Jewish experience be sure to make your reservation today! Please make your reservation no later than one week in advance.

Matrinxã (Matrisha) |

Pacu (Pakoo) |

Pescada |

Tambaqui (Tambakey) |

Tucunare (Two-canare) |

Pirarucu |

Aruwana |

Curimata |
Aracu |

Piranha |

Jaraqui |

Sardinha |

Most kosher products in Brazil do not have a kosher symbol. They can be found on a kosher list that is constantly updated. For more information on this please contact us via email or Whatsapp.